Follow Me @lisna_dwi

April 30, 2011

guess what

April 30, 2011 0 Comments
Feeling happy + butterflies in my stomach = What a day! :))

Hari ini hari apa hayoooo? Hari Sabtuuuu, hehehe. Ada apa hayoooo? Ahhh rahasiaaa, hahaha. Yang jelas rumusnya udah ditulis di awal tulisan ini, hohoho. Ehhmm coba tebak2...

- Masa2 pendekatan sm seseorang yg kita suka namanya apa hayoooo?
- Setelah itu, orang yg kita suka bilang sesuatu dan diterima terjadilah hubungan apa namanya hayoooo?
- Makin lama lebih dari suka apa namanya yaaa?
- Makin lama makin sayang terus jadi apa hayooo?
- Kalo hubungannya bukan main2 niatannya disebut apa hayoooo?
- Kalo udah serius, setelah pacaran tahapnya apa?
- Nah tahapan di antara pacaran sm nikah ada apa aja hayooooo?

Jadi kira2 hari ini masuk tahapan yg mana hayooooo? hehehe...

Let's play blue's clues...

Ada ini nih...

Terus, ada ini jugaaaa...

Petunjuk lainnyaaaa...

Diwarnai dengaaaan...


Hihihihi... Kira2 apa hayoooooo?! ;D

Oia, ibu juga kasih beberapa oleh2 buat akuuuuuu... Makasih ibu sayang. Really love it. Mmuaaah...

Lalu, lalu setelah itu ada apa lagi?

Forever can never be long enough for me
To feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way
Marry Me
Today and every day
Marry Me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

Together can never be close enough for me
Feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you
And you're beautiful
Now that the wait is over
And love and has finally shown her my way
Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

Promise me
You'll always be
Happy by my side
I promise to
Sing to you
When all the music dies

And marry me
Today and everyday
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will
Marry me

Aaahhh what a day!

Love u, life. =D

April 29, 2011

dag dig dug dag dig dug

April 29, 2011 0 Comments
Cant sleeeeeep! hehehe. Mati gaya mau ngapain jam seginiiiiii... Deg2an besoooookkkk... hahaha..

Tadi sepulang kantor ke rumah kakak gw satu2nya. Ngobrol panjang. Intinya si kakak nitip gw ke AeN dan bilang supaya jgn sampe hal yg kejadian antara mama sm bapak berulang. Nitip jagain gw baik2 dan jangan nyakitin hati gw. Yah sambil sharing2 aja sih intinya, berbagi pengalaman sm kak dinny n mas vicky. Plus wanti2 agar kita tahan dari godaan syetan yg terkutuk. Amiiiinn...

Deg2an besok dan ngga bisa tidur sekarang. Bismillah...

Love u, life... =D

April 22, 2011

antara lomba foto dan kacamata patah

April 22, 2011 0 Comments
Di directorate gw ada acara yg rutin diadain sebulan sekali. Cuma acara kumpul2 aja si, cuma selalu ada tema berbeda tiap bulannya. Acara bulanan directorate gw ini sempet mandeg beberapa bulan lalu, tp mulai digalakkan lagi, hehehe. Nah, bulan ini ada lomba foto. Ada 3 kategori, me and my brand, me and my customer dan me and my team. Berkat bantuan seorang teman yg rela2 foto2in gw sm team gw sehabis workshop kemarin, akhirnya gw mengirimkan satu foto untuk kategori me and my team. Ini dia fotonya...

Daaan, hari rabu kemarin pengumumannya. Hari itu dresscodenya adalah all about branding stuff. Jadi saya pake masquerade yg pernah jd souvenir event buat customer.

Ternyata, foto kiriman gw berhasil menaaaang. Alhamdulillah, berkat dukungan team saya, fotografer, mamih, bapak, ade, kakak.. *mulai lebay* hahaha... Hadiahnya lumayan buat makan2 tempe mendoan smp keblinger, hahahaha..

Tapi setelah kebahagiaan menang lomba foto, kamis kemarin pas pulang dijemput popos, ternyata gw baru sadar tangkai kacamata kesayangan dan satu2nya, patah. Hikss.. Lagi kangen2an sm si popos, eh pas liat kacamata patah jd nangis dah, huhuhu... Padahal gw cinta bener sm kacamata ini, huhuhu..

Berarti mesti ganti baru deh. Jadi siang tadi dengan ditemani popos, akhirnya berangkutslah ke kelapa gading buat keliling cari kacamata. Dan akhirnya jeng, jeng, jeng jeng. Dapet juga di salah satu apotik di sana. Agak mirip sm yg kemarin, cuma ini lebih ramping dan ada nose padnya. Dan berita baiknya adalah, nose padnya pas di hidung gw! hahahaha. Secara hidung ini cukup sekian dan terima kasih alias pesek. *rofl* Pulangnya mamam malem ramen... Yummyyy... Makasih popos... :*

Love u, life.. =D

Bad Influence

April 22, 2011 0 Comments
Just wanna share something about bad influence from a person to another person. Unfortunately, it happened to some people I know. Some even quite close. Well, that bad influence has changed that person significantly, some are very insignificant. It's various, from the change of a mindset, personalities and attitude.

For example bad influence in love life. Love is blind. Ehm, maybe it's true. But, you're not blind. At least your heart and mind. When you're close to someone, and they give you bad influence for your life, guess you need to rethink. You're not blind to feel that yourself has changed because of that person. You're not blind in the mind that that person has transferred you into different personality. Before, you were a honest, trustful, truthful, and faithful person. Then, you got close with someone. It seems sweet but it's actually bitter. It seems so good, but it's actually inappropriate. Then, you become someone else. You become a liar, a very good liar. Not only to your lover, friends but the worst is to your parents. Promise, vow in the name of God or prophet are broken, not sacred anymore. You were gentle and soft person, then became a monster just in a second. Different personality, made by bad influencer. That bad influence has blinded you, blinded your heart, mind and even your faith.

Then, the bad influencer themselves. Maybe God sent them to your life to teach you something. To teach you about losing someone/something precious, honesty, faith, respect, dignity and trust. The bad influencer may be a form of devil trying to consistently seduce and spread the evil air. They have no shame. They never think that they have changed a person in a bad way. Sacrifice for a lover may look romantic and sweet. But if it sacrifices your honest heart, respect to others then it is not romantic or sweet anymore. It's mean, evil, really. I never understand, why such people are really proud for being an evil person. The lover has been tamed, they do whatever the bad influencer ask them to do. Although for that, the lover has lied to everyone. Not just to his friends, collegues, but also betrayed and lied to God, mom, dad and best friends.

In this case, I think it's somekind of a tremendous pleasure to them. That whatever the cost, the lover has obeyed to what they ask, they want. The bad influencer doesn't care about norms, about others' feeling or about what's right or wrong. They only care about themselves, about their satisfaction, about their lust. So selfish and evil.


When you know it's wrong, it's not right, inappropriate, just stop it. Dont get blinded too long. Dont let evil inside you or from others make you blind and erase genuine and kind personality you have. I'm telling you, it's never worthy to sacrifice those good things only for a bad influencer.

Love you, live... =D

April 18, 2011

serious talk about marriage

April 18, 2011 0 Comments
Kemarin diundang kakak tertua papa popos ke rumahnya buat ngobrol2. Bisa dibilang, buat keluarga papa, udah kayak pengganti orangtua. Selain ngobrol sm mamak jg ngobrol sm kakak sepupu AeN. About what? Apalagi kalo bukan soal pernikahan. :)

Sambil nunggu kakak pulang, kita ngobrol sambil bercanda liat keponakan AeN yg lagi doyan2nya main. Lucu banget tingkahnya. Sempet deg2an juga mau ngomong apa ya mamak smp ngundang gw dateng sgala. Akhirnya setelah kakak datang mengalirlah pembicaraan serius soal pernikahan.

Kakak membuka pembicaraan dgn bilang bahwa menikah itu berarti menyempurnakan din kita. Karena AeN dan lisna sudah serius mengambil keputusan menikah, maka harus tau masing2 kelebihan dan kekurangan. Harus bisa menerima apa kekurangan dan kelebihan pasangan masing2. Kalian tumbuh dalam keluarga berbeda, cara didik yg beda dan adat yg jg beda. Jadi masing2 harus saling pengertian, saling mengimbangi. AeN harus bisa jadi imam yg baik bagi lisna dan anak2 kalian kelak. Lisna jg harus bisa jd makmum yg baik dan mengingatkan suami.

Nikah itu ibadah dek. Yang namanya manusia ibadah, pasti setan dan iblis suka sekali ganggu. Bentuknya bisa macam2, dr dlm diri sendiri, orang lain sampai keluarga jauh. Godaan itu pasti ada, namanya juga setan suka sekali mengganggu manusia yg ingin beribadah. Karena kalian berdua udah memutuskan menikah dek, harus istiqamah sm keputusan kalian. Walaupun ada pria lain mendekati, Lisna harus tetap istiqamah. Walaupun AeN digoda perempuan lain, AeN harus tetap istiqamah. Tidak boleh meladeni godaan2 itu dek, karena itu setan yg mengganggu dek.

Menikah itu juga bukan antara kalian berdua saja. Menikah itu berarti AeN menikahi keluarga lisna dan lisna menikahi keluarga AeN. Mencari calon istri atau suami itu jgn yg hanya bagus luarnya dan jgn cuma kamu yg suka. Mencari calon suami atau istri itu yg jg baik untuk keluarga, yg diridhai keluarga. Nah kalian kan sudah setuju menikah, alhamdulillah keluarga jg sudah merestui dan meridhai. Jadi kedepannya mesti mempertimbangkan kedua belah pihak secara adil. Ini maunya A, ini maunya B. Bagaimana nanti kalian menyikapinya dgn sabar dan bijaksana.

Dalam menikah itu harus jujur, terbuka, saling percaya dan pengertian. Jujur apa adanya, misalnya soal keuangan. Ini dek, penghasilan AeN. Apa2 harus dibicarakan dan disepakati. Begini lho model yg AeN mau, atau ini lho yg Lisna harapkan. Semua harus terbuka. Dan perempuan itu kalo banyak tanya bukan berarti tidak percaya atau curiga. Itu namanya bentuk perhatian. Dan perempuan jg tidak boleh mengekang, asal lelaki tahu mana batasan yg boleh dan dilarang. Walaupun perempuan jg mesti waspada ni kalo laki2nya berbohong.

Daaaannn masih banyaaaaak perbincangan yg lain. Dan alhamdulillah, pembicaraan serius kemarin malam jg ditutup dgn kabar baik. Makasih banyak ya mamak udah bantuin pengurusan booking dsb. *huuug* =D

Next? Tetap istiqamah seperti yg kakak bilang. Semoga Allah memberikan yg terbaik buat kita berdua dan juga keluarga. Seperti yg udah Lisna pernah bilang, restu orangtua, keluarga udah kita kantongin, jd ke depan insya Allah ada jalannya. Tinggal ikhtiar dan tawakal.

Love u, life . =D

April 17, 2011

Cheers for the Ladies

April 17, 2011 0 Comments
So happy for the girls! Minggu lalu ada 2 teman dekat yg nikah.

Yang pertama, lola. Teman baik dr jaman gawe di LB dulu. Setelah beberapa tahun pacaran, akhirnya lola dan chota menikah. Alhamdulillah. Gw bisa dateng ke akad nikah dan resepsinya juga. Yang menarik, nuansanya perpaduan antara adat minang dan betawi. Lola dari minang dan chota dari betawi. Make up dan sanggulannya unik dan cantik. Lihatlah pengantin wanitanya. Sebelum ijab kabul, mukanya tegaaaang bgt. Setelah ijab kabul dan saaaah, langsung sumringah, hehehe...

Seneng banget ketemu temen2 dari LB. Me miss them. Anak2 dodol, gila, walaupun sampah tp menyenangkan, hahaha. Kangen banget sm suasana kerja di agency. Kalo lg males mendera, bisa2nya gw ke kantor cuma dgn clana pendek dan sendal jepit!! hahahaha...

prosesi ijab kabul

saaaah, udah dapet sim b ni (surat izin menginap bersama) hahaha

Here are some snapshots...


the couple and family

baby sigi is like kangaroooooo *cute*

here they comeeee

Setelah lola, besoknya ada yusnita namanya. My dear old friend dr zaman SMP dulu. SMP kita deket bgt. Boleh dibilang dia belajar pacaran dr gw, tp dia duluan yg married, hahahaha. So happy for you ya neng.

Semoga kedua teman baikku tadi menjadi keluarga sakinah, mawadah dan warrahmah serta segera dikaruniai anak2 yg sholeh dan sholeh juga lucu2. Dan semoga saya segera menyusul, hehehe. Amiiiiin...

AeN kemana? Doi lg kerja ke bandung weekend kemarin itu. Jadinya eyke jd single fighter dan berangkat sendirian kemana2, hehehe. But nonce problemoooo...hehehe.

Teruuusss...Weekend ini me time dan girls time, hehehe. Kemarin me time sesiangan di salon khusus muslimah. Dari meni, pedi sampeee creambath. Kalo buat luluran gw lebih prefer di rumah, krn ga suka booo dipegang2 sm org yg ga dikenal, hehehe.. Gw bukan tipikal cewe salon si. Yg mau ngutekin kuku aja mesti ke salon, hahaha. Tp perawatan sesekali kyk kemarin ok jg yah. Jadi agenda wajib tiap bulan kalo gituh. Dasar emang gw, pas perawatan gw sampe ketiduran pules di kursi pijet, hahahaha.

Malemnyaaa, me and the girls (walaupun aqupiorus caviletnya ga lengkap) malmingan. Anak galau, hahaha. Makan di fat burger dan ngobrol2 ngalor ngidul ga jelas, hehehe. It was really fun! Daaan awi membawakan mangga simanalagi hasil panen kebunnya. Me like it! Makasih awi sayaaang... *hug*

demi desy nyasar ke fat burger yg ternyata biasa aja, hahaha

Aaahh me love the girls, hohoho. Apa kabar gw sm AeN? Sempet ada masalah memang kemarin. Tapi masalah yg ada bikin gw sm mama AeN malah makin deket. Love when she calls me Ina sayang, kamu yg sabar ya nak. Siap ibu. Sejauh ini masih bisa sabar ko, hehehe. Walaupun sm si poposnya sendiri malah jd sebel2an. Tapi tetep aja sebel2 sms2nya nyebelin dan bikin mau ketawa, hahaha..

Doakan saja semoga ngga ada aral melintang. Amin ya Allah. Allah knows best. Semoga semua halang rintang, ujian, cobaan yg sekarang dihadapi bisa dilewati dan lulus dengan baik. Kalo mama bilang ini ujian sebelum nikah nak, mintalah selalu yg terbaik. Sip. Insya Allah yg terbaik untuk kita semua dan Allah membimbing kita semua ke jalan yg benar dan diridhai-Nya. Amin...

Love u, life.. =D

April 07, 2011

think about these, ladies

April 07, 2011 0 Comments
For all ladies wherever you are, or for people who think they're lady enough. ;D
Just wanna share my thoughts about you and maybe your man, husband to be (or you think he's your man?! :P).

- Does he remind you not to use sexy dress? Hun, your back is too open. Your skirt is too short, your sleeve is too low. If not, think again? Is it love or lust? Cos imam-to-be will of course remind you about that. He won't let his wife-to-be to dress up too sexy and let other men see her sexiness. Backless, short pants, mini skirt, tank top, sexy dress, shirt with cleavage.

- I like to hang out, going to the club, dugem until midnite or even over it. And he's cool with that. Really? If he's cool, he won't let his lady to visit the club until midnite or even morning comes. He won't be okay seeing his lady or wife to be drinks alcohol or dances madly on the club floor.

- I'm serious with you, he said. Really? Rethink. Did he introduce you to his family? To his very very best friends? Proudly introduce you as his lady to his co-workers? Does he tell her mom about his love to you? Do his parents even know you? No?

- We always have fun, see movies, eat good food, traveling. When he's broken,does he tell you the truth? Are you be by his side when he's in trouble? In poor condition? Walking by his side when his motorcycle run out fuel? Take a public bus, angkot when you're going to cinema perhaps? Or he always drives a car when meeting you? It's not essential. When you're gonna be as one, you must experience the luxury, good and bad things with him and he also wanna share it to you.

- He likes to hang out with my best friends. We even have a chat group together. Does he ask you to hang out with his buddies? Having vacation together? Ask you to accompany him to his best mate wedding?

- You think he's close to your family. Are you close to his family too? Does he ask you to his family gathering? Introduce you to his big family? Proudly tell them that you're his wife to be? Send hug and kisses with his mom and unties? Do you?

- He really cares about you. Visit you when you're sick, accompany you to see doctor. Where are you when he's really sick? Are you the 1st person he calls when he's in pain? Are you the person who takes care of him when he's ill? Are you by his side when he's feeling unwell? No? Seldom? Or never?

- You gave him couple t-shirt, same accessories, even ring. Does he also wear it on other occasions? So that he can show it off to his colleagues? To his family? When they said, wow cool tshirt. Hei, this is from my girlfriend.

- You think you communicate very good. You gave him gadget to support it. Does he call you from his home when he's got no pulse on his mobile phone? Does he send you voucher, although in a very small amount and say, "so that you can keep calling me"?

- I'm gonna marry him and he's surely gonna marry me. Contemplate. Does he propose you? Does he ask his family to propose you? Has he told his family about marrying you? You're not gonna marry him and himself. But you're also gonna marry his family and your family will marry his. Is it happening? No? Then, how come you're so sure he's gonna marry you?

- He promises me that he won't leave me. He won't leave you because of you and his love to you? Or he won't leave you because you asked him to? Because you've given him too much? Even something you mustn't give until you're married? He won't leave you because you demanded so? Because you think you've got the key to hold him? Or because you always beg? And look him with sad eyes whenever he wants to leave you? It's not because of his sincerity. It's because you think there's price he has to pay for so much things you've given to him. And it's not healthy. It's mean.

- You have same religion? Do you pray together? Seeing church and praise the lord together? He's your imam, you're his makmum and you both do shalat together often? Never? Once or twice? Need more than just being together to be solid.

So, love or lust? Care or pity? Sincere or with intention? Serious or only play?
Promise is old-fashion, lady. Action is forever trend.
You decide, ladies...

Love you, life. =D

April 03, 2011

take care

April 03, 2011 0 Comments
Weekend ini dihabiskan dengan menemani popos maripos yg lagi sakit. Dari jumat malam demam sampe pucet banget. Jumat meeting seharian di luar, jadi ga bisa nemenin dan jadi kepikiran terus sepanjang meeting. Hiks... Tapi dibayar pas weekend ini.

Sabtunya nemenin AeN dari siang smp malam. Pijitin AeN sampe sendawa2 gitu, hehehe. Beliin minuman kesehatan dr jahe sampe susu. Dasar calon emak2, hahaha. Nonton dvd, trus nemenin main xbox juga. Soooo boooy stuuufff... hahaha. Tapi seneng bisa nemenin dan ngerawat AeN yg lagi sakit. *smooch*

biar sakit, tetep senyuuumm...

AeN shalat, gw foto2, hihihi

DVD timeeeee

nyunyuuun popos & embem

senja dari balkon rumah AeN

nemenin ci popos main xbox sampe malem menjelang

Nah tadi kebetulan ga bisa jengukin dari siang karena ada arisan keluarga dan ulangtahun sepupu. Diminta jadi pembawa acaranya ulangtahun Zidane. Hadeuhh gara2 sibuk jadi emce malah lupa foto2. *tepok jidat* Tapi ini penampakan the birthday boy yg endut banget, hohoho. Semoga zidane jadi anak sholeh, sehat, pinter, ganteng dan cihuy selalu. Amiiinnn...

Selesai acara zidane, ke rumah AeN buat jenguk sebentar AeN popos. Nganterin jamu dan nasi uduk, hehehe. Jamu buat ci popos yg lagi sakit. Ketemu mama, papa, ipi juga. Mama bilang salam ke mamih dan minta maaf belum bisa datang ke sana karena nunggu mawo yg masih di kampung. That's okay, mam.. *cipika-cipiki* *bighug*

Get well soon, AeN poposku... *bighug*

Love u, life... =D