Follow Me @lisna_dwi

January 09, 2011

Meet Landski

January 09, 2011 0 Comments

Akhirnya setelah bertahun2 ga punya peliharaan, setelah Camen si kelinci putih mati beberapa tahun lalu. Akhirnya gw punya anggota keluarga baru di rumah.

Meet Landski!

Ini adalah landak, jenis kelaminnya cowo, usia 2 bulan. Jenis salt n pepper. Kayak nama merek baju n grup musik ya, hehehe. Yg jual namanya Mail temen kantor gw. Lucu yah. Makanannya makanan anjing atau kucing. Hobinya pupup, garuk2 sama bobo, hahaha. Pelor deh dia, persis kayak yg punya, hahaha... Semoga si Landski bisa terus tumbuh menjadi landak sehat dan bertanggung jawab. Lho?! hahaha...

Nitey nite Landski.

January 02, 2011

Welcome 2011

January 02, 2011 0 Comments
Hello 2011! Here you are, has come. What's next? Dunno is the answer, hehehe.

Year 2010 gave so many colors to my life. Although in the last half year punched me right on my face, I still thank Allah swt for everything. My resolutions? I achieved some, but mostly not, hahahaha. Yap, Allah always has plans, the best plans for the human beings. We only design, do FA and when it comes to execution of production, Allah will decide whether it's gonna become a great, good, average or bad production. So production person, hahahaha. Well, reality bites.

For 2011? I don't wanna make any resolution. I don't wanna be hurt anymore, hehehe. Just do the things right, be a better woman, keep up the good works, be who I am. Everything will be beautiful in the right time, whenever it is. And one thing, be ikhlas for everything.

Ya Allah, please guide me always. Please never leave me. Please help me to overcome any challenge in my life. Please help me to be wiser and forgive others. Please help me to be a woman with dignity, always. Please help me to achieve my happiness and success without hurting others' life or even ruining theirs.

Amin allahumma amiiin....